We are not all in this together
NAZ has been working alongside other minoritised ethnic-led charities, campaign and social justice organisations to voice our concerns over the impact of COVID-19 on Black, Brown and Global Majority communities.
We believe the pandemic has amplified the social, economic, health and structural inequalities the minoritised ethnic community has faced for decades. More than ever, we see that discrimination and disadvantages experienced by minoritised ethnic communities are a key determinant to their health in this country, and this should not be the case.
The disproportionate rate of deaths from COVID-19 in the minoritised ethnic community has been attributed to an increased risk of infection caused by socio-economic factors, overcrowding and multi-generational living. Whilst these may all play a part, NAZ believes that this is not the ultimate reason that minoritised ethnic communities are at higher risk of COVID-19 infection. Longstanding discrimination and disadvantage at multiple levels have combined in this pandemic to cause a perfect storm. Read the letters sent to key stakeholders outlining these issues.
Get involved
RAPAR (Refugee and Asylum Participatory Action Research) is a human rights organisation in the UK, which is primarily concerned with displaced people, and issues relating to displaced people. Sign their open letter to the Prime Minister which sets out why leave to remain for everyone is integral to an effective COVID-19 public health response.
The Ubele Initiative is an African Diaspora-led inter-generational social enterprise. Their primary mission is to help build more sustainable communities across the UK. Ubele in Swahili means ‘The Future’. They have launched a national petition BAME communities and the impact of COVID-19 which calls on the government to urgently conduct a full independent public investigation into why and how BAME front line staff is being disproportionately impacted.
#CharitySoWhite sparked a conversation on the many ways in which racism operates within the charity sector. It was a conversation rooted in the experiences of people of colour working in the charity sector. They are a people of colour (POC) led campaign group seeking to tackle institutional racism in the charity sector. Sign their open letter which calls for greater representation of BAME people on committees distributing funding and 20% ring-fenced funding for BAME VCS and infrastructure groups.